I suppose an atomic wedgie is out of the question - pulling the back of their underwear up and over and hooking it over their forehead. I guess putting "Atomic Balm" in a jockstrap nowadays would meet with disapproval. Or snapping at someone in the dressing room with a towel rolled up into a "rattail". Or giving someone an UFIA when they bend over (look it up on urbandictionary or FARQ). It takes all the fun out of growing up... /sighs
I have been taking Dilantin since 1974 when I was diagnosed with grand mal epilepsy. For the first year or so I was feeling somewhat "fuzzy" but that has passed. I haven't changed to any other medication because I haven't had any significant problems.
(The hardest part was losing my license, dropping out of school, and moving back in with my parents for a year, until it was determined I could drive.)
Dilantin toxicity will make a person tired and dizzy, and you have to watch out for drug interactions, I hope they can stabilize her blood levels and keep her on a therapeutic level without any major issues.
Feel free to contace me via email as well.
Addendum: Let's not forget "Swirlies" where you suspend someone upside down in a toilet bowl and flush it.
posted by Runcible Spoon 18 years ago
I suppose an atomic wedgie is out of the question - pulling the back of their underwear up and over and hooking it over their forehead. I guess putting "Atomic Balm" in a jockstrap nowadays would meet with disapproval. Or snapping at someone in the dressing room with a towel rolled up into a "rattail". Or giving someone an UFIA when they bend over (look it up on urbandictionary or FARQ). It takes all the fun out of growing up... /sighs
posted by Runcible Spoon 18 years ago
In "Wankr"
Wankr - is this the up and coming thing? /just curious
posted by Runcible Spoon 19 years ago
In "Curious George: Living with Epilepsy."
I have been taking Dilantin since 1974 when I was diagnosed with grand mal epilepsy. For the first year or so I was feeling somewhat "fuzzy" but that has passed. I haven't changed to any other medication because I haven't had any significant problems. (The hardest part was losing my license, dropping out of school, and moving back in with my parents for a year, until it was determined I could drive.) Dilantin toxicity will make a person tired and dizzy, and you have to watch out for drug interactions, I hope they can stabilize her blood levels and keep her on a therapeutic level without any major issues. Feel free to contace me via email as well.
posted by Runcible Spoon 19 years ago
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